Founder of Famous Cheesy Prawn Meehun – Master Lee Swee Meng
Sometime in 1995, a Malaysian tour leader while chatting with Master Lee, casually mentioned a Hong Kong dish – cheesy lobster noodles with thick broth, delicious but expensive. While listening to him, Master Lee had an idea. Without a word, he went into the kitchen and picked out some cheese, rice noodles and raw prawns and cooked them. Not long after, Master Lee served the tour leader a plate of fragrant rice noodles. The tour leader couldn’t stop eating, taking in big mouthfuls and as he ate, he just kept nodding his head, and giving thumbs up, which made Master Lee happy. The tour leader said that the noodles Master Lee cooked tasted better than the Hong Kong cheesy lobster noodles. What Master Lee cooked was better suited to the taste of Malaysians, and one couldn’t stop eating it. Master Lee named the dish – Cheesy Prawn Meehun.
话说在1995年的某一天,有一位马来西亚领队在与老师傅的闲群中,无意间提起了一道香港菜肴 – 芝士龙虾伊面伴着浓稠的汤汁,非常好吃但价格昂贵。老师傅听毕,灵光闪现,二话不说立马进了厨房看着厨房现有的材科,然后随手拿起了芝士,米粉和生虾加以烹煮。过了一会儿,只见老师傅手上端着一盘香味四溢的米粉向领队走来,他让领队尝尝。竟知领队一尝就再也停不下手了。他只一昧的点著头,竖起大姆指,大口大口的吃着。这可把老师傅给看乐了。然后说这味道比起香港的龙虾芝土伊面真的是有过之而无不及,吃了一口又想再吃一口,这味道又是是另一层次了,更是马来西亚人所喜爱的口味。李瑞明老师傅当下为这一道菜肴取名为 “芝士生虾米粉” 。